Tuesday, November 8, 2011

After reading my classmates blog regarding Rick Perry not being the right presidential candidate for women, I don’t think we really imagine how a president can really affect women?  I believe that Crystal has put together a very strong agreement about Rick Perry being a hypocritical person especially to women.
 Rick Perry has made it clear that he supports both sides abstinence and safe sex.   Rick Perry is trying to place requirements on HPV vaccination for pre- teens but, yet encouraging abstinence. Also, Rick Perry has passed a law to have a sonogram before getting an abortion.  He has not stated whether he is supporting health care for the children that will be born to teen mothers. Teen pregnancy is on the rise which we would imagine that he would try and reduce the number of pregnancy.   So what is the true message Rick Perry is trying to send young girls? Is it to not have sex but if you do, to raise the child in poverty with no healthcare? The logic clearly shows that he is trying to attract two different sides to receive votes. I believe that there should be more resources out there for young teens regarding sex. Not every teen is going to embrace Governor Perry’s theory on abstinence. As crystal said,” what’s best for one person doesn’t always work for the next.”  I too agree that Rick Perry is not a supportive candidate for women.