Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mandatory Meningitis Vaccination

Texas has recently passed a law that all college students under 30  need to recieve a meningitis vaccination. Students will not be able to enroll in classes if vaccination is not obtained or may opt out for a specific reason.  According to the,  Austin American Statesmen, there is a mandatory law that all full time or living on campus students will need to receive the meningitis vaccination.  Meningitis is an infection and inflammation around the brain and spinal cord.  This disease can be fatal.  This law was passed after Jamie Schanbaum contracted the disease and almost lost her life. Thankfully, she had fought through this horrible bacteria, but it took her legs and fingers.  Jamie and her family pushed for the legislators to make vaccination mandatory for college students.  Meningitis is on the rise in the Austin area, so go get vaccinated. This is a health hazard for all students. This laws will effect all of us that are going to college.  In this article,  Mandatory Meningitis, they interviewed Kathleen Christianson,  vice president of student support at Austin Community College. She stated, " That ACC will notify students through email,  posters, website and it will eventually be a part of the admission process." Sounds like this vaccination might keep students out of school if they don't receive the meningitis vaccination before January 2012. The State Government may be a lot closer to us than we think.

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