Thursday, December 1, 2011

New bill regarding guns

In the Houston Chronicle, an article was written regarding the newest bill that has passed allowing citizens to carry a gun as long as the carry a state license. This article states the nation’s motto is“In God we trust.” Do we really trust strangers carrying guns around?  The audience involves all U.S citizens. The writer is trying to persuade citizens that gun control will decrease and all our safety may be in jeopardy because of this new bill. Allowing people to carry a gun may be a bad idea.
          The national rifle association pushed and supported this bill to pass. In this article it states that “Only Illinois and the district of Columbia has banned concealed weapons, so this would apply to 49 states.” On the news we all hear of people being shot in all areas of the U.S. How will allowing a license be able to help people from killing others? I feel that there should be more requirements than just an issued test and license. Anyone can go and pass a test, but that doesn’t tell us what a person’s motives are with a gun.  The evidences in this article says that each state has it’s own rules and policies about carrying guns. Some states are less lenient than others. “In Texas, where standards are far looser, license-holders are allowed to bypass metal detectors at the state capital and carry their concealed weapons inside.” This quote really is very disturbing to hear about Texas!

The logic in the second amendment, to allow people to bear arms and protect themselves is understandable. In the 21 century, I believe that there should be more precaution for a person to carry a gun. And states should have more say about this bill.  I totally agree with the writer that this bill will cause more trouble than protection.

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