Friday, December 9, 2011

Dream act

After reading my classmate’s blog regarding the dream act, which is to help immigrants become residents and give support for more job opportunities for them. I believe that we treat immigrants differently? Is this country still racist against other cultures? I believe that Rosibel has made some eye opening points regarding immigrants. Just like she said that nothing changes with the government until something bad comes along. In this case, Rosibel found an article about an illegal immigrant that had committed suicide. Possible cause of this suicide was because of minimal job opportunities available in the states.

The dream act is to help immigrants that have lived in our society and help them become residents with certain qualifications.  It is also to help open up more job opportunities and support immigrants that decide to go to school like any other person in the U.S. I totally agree with Rosibel, everyone should have the opportunity to go to school and work hard to succeed even immigrants. Why do we treat them like they shouldn’t have the same opportunities as us? I think that if an immigrant student wants to go to school here we should be supportive.  I agree with what Rosibel said “That these students should be allowed to pursue the dream act because these students study hard as anybody else in the University of Texas , and it is not fair for them to be rejected of opportunities just because of their legal status.”  I believe we need to be a better role model for our country and help people in need! Good Job Rosibel!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

New bill regarding guns

In the Houston Chronicle, an article was written regarding the newest bill that has passed allowing citizens to carry a gun as long as the carry a state license. This article states the nation’s motto is“In God we trust.” Do we really trust strangers carrying guns around?  The audience involves all U.S citizens. The writer is trying to persuade citizens that gun control will decrease and all our safety may be in jeopardy because of this new bill. Allowing people to carry a gun may be a bad idea.
          The national rifle association pushed and supported this bill to pass. In this article it states that “Only Illinois and the district of Columbia has banned concealed weapons, so this would apply to 49 states.” On the news we all hear of people being shot in all areas of the U.S. How will allowing a license be able to help people from killing others? I feel that there should be more requirements than just an issued test and license. Anyone can go and pass a test, but that doesn’t tell us what a person’s motives are with a gun.  The evidences in this article says that each state has it’s own rules and policies about carrying guns. Some states are less lenient than others. “In Texas, where standards are far looser, license-holders are allowed to bypass metal detectors at the state capital and carry their concealed weapons inside.” This quote really is very disturbing to hear about Texas!

The logic in the second amendment, to allow people to bear arms and protect themselves is understandable. In the 21 century, I believe that there should be more precaution for a person to carry a gun. And states should have more say about this bill.  I totally agree with the writer that this bill will cause more trouble than protection.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

After reading my classmates blog regarding Rick Perry not being the right presidential candidate for women, I don’t think we really imagine how a president can really affect women?  I believe that Crystal has put together a very strong agreement about Rick Perry being a hypocritical person especially to women.
 Rick Perry has made it clear that he supports both sides abstinence and safe sex.   Rick Perry is trying to place requirements on HPV vaccination for pre- teens but, yet encouraging abstinence. Also, Rick Perry has passed a law to have a sonogram before getting an abortion.  He has not stated whether he is supporting health care for the children that will be born to teen mothers. Teen pregnancy is on the rise which we would imagine that he would try and reduce the number of pregnancy.   So what is the true message Rick Perry is trying to send young girls? Is it to not have sex but if you do, to raise the child in poverty with no healthcare? The logic clearly shows that he is trying to attract two different sides to receive votes. I believe that there should be more resources out there for young teens regarding sex. Not every teen is going to embrace Governor Perry’s theory on abstinence. As crystal said,” what’s best for one person doesn’t always work for the next.”  I too agree that Rick Perry is not a supportive candidate for women.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


            In the San Antonio Express, Jessica Kwong, wrote an article regarding the “No refusal policy, which entitles a police office to get a warrant for a blood test to see the alcohol level in a person. In Bexar County the no refusal policy is going to be in effect everyday from now on. It stated, "that we are now the largest metro area in Texas to have an absolute no- refusal policy.” The audience the writer is trying to capture  awareness for everyone.
            In this article it states that in Bexar county there will be a  blood test done if someone is suspected of being intoxicated. The Texas department of Transportation and the interest group, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, have provided money to cover the expenses of the “no refusal policy.” How far is too far? Now police officers are extracting blood form people that may or may not be drunk. Has this gone too far? Jamie Balagia, A DWI attorney, states,” that the no refusal policy is ridiculous tramping or our constitution.” I am all for public safety. I do feel that this no refusal policy had gone too far. I believe that there are other ways to reduce the number of deaths by drunk drivers than extracting blood from people.  I don’t feel that this will stop people from drinking and driving. I believe if we had a better transportation system it may help the number of deaths from drunk drivers.
 The logic behind the no refusal policy is understandable for safety, because there are many people that get injured or die from drunk drivers. But there is room to brainstorm other options. There is evidence in this article that indicates how many die each year from drunken drivers. Last year the article indicated 13 manslaughter cases from DWI’s . I don’t disagree with trying to stop DWI’s, I just feel that this measure is not going to stop people from drinking and driving.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Social Networking in Mexico

In the El Paso Times, Lourdes Cardenas, has written a blog about the Mexico government is legally trying to ban social media networking. The reason Mexico is trying to ban social network like Tweeter and Facebook is to eliminate gossip and fear among the people about the cartels.  A bill was passed, in Tabasco, Mexico to punish people that are using social networks to stretch gossip or information that causes people to get scared involving the Mexican crime. Will social networking come to a point where people really serve time in jail for freedom of speech?  The audience here is anyone who is using social networking to inform people about cartel or crime in Mexico.  This critique is making an interesting point. That using social network for distributing information that causes fear among the people is not the problem; it’s the Mexican government that is lacking responsibility to communicate with the people.  I fully agree with this author that if Mexico is going to punish people just for posting news on a social network is ridiculous.  The evidence shows there were rumors about a shooting on a social network, in Saltillo, Mexico but yet no government officials gave people any news if the incident was false or true.  It is very obvious that the Mexican government is not taking action in allowing the people information about safety. The author does a great job of making the point so clear that it’s not the social networking that’s the problem it’s the lack of mass media in Mexico.  I agree with the author. People shouldn’t be put in jail for spreading information. The government should find better ways to communicate with the people and social networking wouldn’t be a problem.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

School Funding Issues

Our Texas government makes it seem that education is one of the top priorities. However, funding schools continues to be a difficult situation, and will affect everyone that attends public schools. An editorial from the Austin American Statesman is called Politics Aside, School Funding a Real Plight. This editorial is an argument between the school district and how politicians are handling the financial funding. There is a current lawsuit that has been filed by a number of public school districts because they believe their funding has been unfair. John Sharp, Texas comptroller, stated that the school finance legislation that passes in 2005 is not performing as planned by Rick Perry.  Also, Seven Ogden, chairman of senate finance committee, resigned from his job because he didn’t agree with how the legislators were handling this financial issues with the schools. How will this affect our school system if this lawsuit goes though? It could mean that judges will be deciding how to fund schools and not the legislators. This editorial shows that this may continue to increase or decrease our taxes depending on the outcome. This issue with funding schools will not be solved fully until the legislature meets again in 2013. Rob Eissler of the house public education committee, said, “You don’t want the courts writing your schools finance law. It ties your hands.”
This editorial shows detailed proof of how local school taxes have changed over the years and how graduation rates continue to plummet because of poor funding. This argument between politicians and school districts appeals to an audience of local voters that are involved in the Texas school districts. I believe this editorial was well persuaded to its audience. This subject of how politics are handling the school funding issues is a great example of how politician just want another voter, and don’t truly deal with the issues.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mandatory Meningitis Vaccination

Texas has recently passed a law that all college students under 30  need to recieve a meningitis vaccination. Students will not be able to enroll in classes if vaccination is not obtained or may opt out for a specific reason.  According to the,  Austin American Statesmen, there is a mandatory law that all full time or living on campus students will need to receive the meningitis vaccination.  Meningitis is an infection and inflammation around the brain and spinal cord.  This disease can be fatal.  This law was passed after Jamie Schanbaum contracted the disease and almost lost her life. Thankfully, she had fought through this horrible bacteria, but it took her legs and fingers.  Jamie and her family pushed for the legislators to make vaccination mandatory for college students.  Meningitis is on the rise in the Austin area, so go get vaccinated. This is a health hazard for all students. This laws will effect all of us that are going to college.  In this article,  Mandatory Meningitis, they interviewed Kathleen Christianson,  vice president of student support at Austin Community College. She stated, " That ACC will notify students through email,  posters, website and it will eventually be a part of the admission process." Sounds like this vaccination might keep students out of school if they don't receive the meningitis vaccination before January 2012. The State Government may be a lot closer to us than we think.